2020 Clean Water Goals & Priorities


Environmental Advocates works to protect New York’s water supplies from source to tap to ensure clean, abundant and affordable water for all New Yorkers. The following summarizes our 2020 goals as well as our top budgetary, legislative and regulatory priorities for the year:

Secure full funding for clean water infrastructure

  • Secure at least $1 billion in new funding for clean water infrastructure, including $100 million for the Lead Service Line Replacement Program (2020 state budget)

Ensure New Yorkers know what’s in their water

  • Establish strong Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for PFAS chemicals, 1,4-dioxane, and other emerging contaminants (Department of Health regulation)
  • Establish a statewide emerging contaminant monitoring list (A.7839 Gottfried/S.6625 Skoufis)
  • Mandate testing of private wells at the time of a real estate transfer (A.1103A Jaffee/S.1854A Hoylman)

Protect New York’s streams, lakes, rivers and other source waters

  • Extend state protections to New Yorks Class C streams (A.8349 Ryan/S.5612A Harckham)
  • Place wetlands one acre or greater under state regulatory authority (A.3658 Englebright/S.5576 Mayer)
  • Classify all wastes resulting from oil and gas exploration, development, extraction, and production as hazardous waste (A.2655 Englebright/S.3392 May)
  • Ban the sale and usage of certain neonicotinoids and other insecticides (A.7639A Englebright/S.5816 Hoylman)
  • Bans coal tar pavement sealants containing levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in excess of ten thousand milligrams per kilogram (A.1304 (Rosenthal/S.6308 Metzger)

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