– Zeldin, King to Vote on Extreme Anti-Climate Plan

December 1, 2015

Despite the harm climate change is causing Long Island, Reps. Lee Zeldin and Peter King sided with their majority colleagues to block the Clean Power Plan.

For Immediate Release: December 1, 2015

Zeldin, King to Vote on Extreme Anti-Climate Plan

Amid Global Summit, Congress Ramps up Attacks on Clean Power Plan, Clean Air Act

Albany – The U.S. House of Representatives is preparing to vote a second time since June to block climate action and clean air protections, advancing extreme legislation that no New York member of Congress can justify supporting.

Despite the harm climate change is causing Long Island, Reps. Lee Zeldin and Peter King sided with their majority colleagues to block the Clean Power Plan. Now, another vote is expected later today on an even more extreme effort which would immediately nullify the Clean Power Plan, and prevent further action until the Congress specifically directs the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop a climate plan.

The following statement is attributable to Peter Iwanowicz, executive director of Environmental Advocates NY:

“World leaders are convening in Paris to plan global climate action. Instead of focusing on solutions, the House of Representatives is about to vote on an even more extreme, anti-science climate bill that prioritizes polluter profit over public health. Their goal is to thwart progress at the Paris climate summit, endangering people’s lives in the process.

Climate change has taken an enormous human and economic toll – that is only expected to get worse in the years ahead. New York is already ahead of schedule on meeting standards required under the Clean Power Plan thanks to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). There is no justification for any New York member of Congress to support this effort.

If Reps. Zeldin and King support this bill, they are placing the interests of western polluters over our public health here at home. We urge Reps. Zeldin and King to correct course, stop these attempted giveaways for industry, and oppose S.J. Res 23 and S.J. Res 24.”
