Statement Re: Clean Start in State Senate

For Immediate Release: November 7, 2018

The following statement can be attributed to Environmental Advocates NY Executive Director Peter M. Iwanowicz:

“Yesterday, New Yorkers made it clear that they wanted a clean start in the state Senate. Popular measures that have long languished there should now see the light of day and where past Senate leadership has failed our environment, Leader Stewart-Cousins now has the chance to make things right.

Common-sense bills with broad backing like the Climate and Community Protection Act and the Environmental Bill of Rights both passed the Assembly this year with bi-partisan support, only to be held up in the Senate without a vote. The previous Senate Majority failed to recognize the importance of having a right to clean air and water or the potential of good jobs in the clean energy economy.

With Leader Stewart-Cousins having already stated her support for the Climate and Community Protection Act and many of her colleagues wanting to enshrine the right to clean air and water into our State Constitution—we trust the new Senate Majority will take a different path and, with their partners in the Assembly, prioritize policies that will benefit our health, our environment, and our economy.”


The Climate and Community Protection Act sets New York State on the path to 100% clean, renewable energy by 2050, invests in frontline communities who bear the burden of climate change, and builds a green economy focused on worker rights and climate justice.

The Environmental Bill of Rights would add the following to the New York State Constitution: “Each person shall have a right to clean air and water, and a healthful environment.”
