More than two-thirds – 40 members – of the state Senate, including nine Republicans and all five members of the Independent Democratic Conference, cosponsor the Child Safe Products Act (S.4614-A). Only 32 yes votes are needed for passage.
Senator Skelos Final Hurdle for Child Safe Products Act
40 Senators Cosponsor Kids’ Health Legislation
Statement from Executive Director Peter Iwanowicz
“More than two-thirds – 40 members – of the state Senate, including nine Republicans and all five members of the Independent Democratic Conference, cosponsor the Child Safe Products Act (S.4614-A). Only 32 yes votes are needed for passage.
Support for this bill has only increased since the 2013 legislative session; since then even more of Senator Skelos’ Republican colleagues have joined the fight, including Senators Patty Ritchie, Greg Ball and Marty Golden, as well as Simcha Felder and co-President Jeff Klein. It makes no sense for Senator Skelos to stand in the way of what these Senators support or to block a vote to protect our children’s health.
The votes are there, public support is there, and senators from every conference, region and ideology agree this legislation should become law. If Senator Skelos blocks common-sense legislation with such deep support, it will be an indictment of his ability to lead his chamber as a functioning and democratic body. Children’s health should not be political. Our kids deserve a vote.”