– Public Has Cuomo’s Back On Fighting Climate Pollution

December 4, 2012

For Immediate Release: Dec 04, 2012
Travis Proulx, [email protected] , 518-462-5526 x238

Public Has Cuomo’s Back On Fighting Climate Pollution

Statement from Ross Gould, Air & Energy Program Director on Need for Gov Cuomo to Keep Promise to Fight Climate Change, Strengthen RGGI Program

“In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, Governor Cuomo boldly proclaimed that climate change is our new reality and that the State of New York has an obligation to fight climate pollution. If we are to make meaningful changes before the next annual once-in-a-hundred-years storm hits, the Governor must turn his words into action immediately.

Unlike many of the more complex issues, there is a piece of low-hanging fruit: strengthening the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI).

The public has Governor Cuomo’s back. Sixty-nine percent of all New Yorkers, including two-thirds of Upstaters and three-quarters of people Downstate, share the Governor’s opinion on climate change. People are concerned. They recognize our infrastructure is outdated and unsafe, the risk of energy outages for weeks on end remains, and the safety of entire communities is compromised by development in known flood plains and other environmentally irresponsible actions exasperated by a changing climate.

RGGI is a nine-state coalition that caps pollution while raising critical funds for green infrastructure investments. Now, several years into the successful program, reducing the cap in line with where actual emissions currently stand, and realigning how pollution credits are sold and funds raised, will have an immediate and meaningful impact and help the Governor take a major first step in keeping his word to fight climate pollution.

Even climate change-denies agree: weather patterns are more severe, less predictable, and more frequent. Governor Cuomo can use this tragic opportunity to leave the state better off than he inherited. Environmental Advocates NY stands ready to partner with the Governor and the other RGGI state partners to enact important changes by the end of 2013.”
