LTE: Green Jobs Are Key to the Future

The following letter to the editor was published in The Post Star on April 5, 2021 and was written by Amanda Sachs, Campaigns Associate at EANY.

I appreciate you posting the video on Thursday, April 1 entitled, “Biden introduces ‘big, bold’ infrastructure plan.” Recognizing the variety of stakeholders in this pivotal time in history, it’s relieving to know that ordinary working Americans like me will feel the economic and environmental benefits of this spending plan.

In New York, I’m advocating for Senate Bill 2758 and Assembly Bill 4302, which outline a goal of 100% of new car sales beginning in 2035 to be electric vehicles with the same goal for heavy and medium-duty trucks by 2045. Like what Biden is doing on the national level, these bills bring excitement from environmental groups, and health and transit advocates around the state.
Every day it becomes increasingly apparent on the ground that we need many more well-paying green jobs and a healthier and more just economy.