– Cuomo EPF Investment Great News for Communities

January 5, 2016

“News that Governor Cuomo will propose a $300 million investment in the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) will make a significant positive difference for communities statewide. This program protects parkland, supports local recycling initiatives, and has become an economic engine in its own right, producing $7 in economic activity for every $1 invested.

For Immediate Release: January 5, 2016

Cuomo EPF Investment Great News for Communities

Statement from Peter Iwanowicz, Executive Director of Environmental Advocates NY

“News that Governor Cuomo will propose a $300 million investment in the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) will make a significant positive difference for communities statewide. This program protects parkland, supports local recycling initiatives, and has become an economic engine in its own right, producing $7 in economic activity for every $1 invested.

A $300 million EPF has been the goal for many years, and Governor Cuomo’s commitment to making this a sustained annual investment aligns with his broader economic development goals. Growing economies make environmental protection and public health a priority.

Every state legislator represents a district which has benefitted from the EPF; we encourage them to provide their full support for this proposal.

Environmental Advocates applauds the Governor, and with the State’s budget surplus look forward to hearing his other budget proposals, such as an increased investment for drinking and wastewater infrastructure.”
