Bill Memo: Leading by Example: EV State Procurement

1-Tree: Beneficial rating


This legislation amends the Executive Law to direct the Office of General Services to develop and implement a state fleet procurement plan requiring at least 25-percent of the fleet be made up of zero emission vehicles (ZEV) by 2025 and 50-percent by 2030.  By January 1st, 2030 all passenger vehicles purchased or leased by an agency or authority must be ZEVs. 


In 2019, the state passed the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), setting greenhouse gas reduction goals of 40% of 1990 levels by 2030 and 85% of 1990 levels by 2050. The CLCPA is an important statewide backdrop to the electrification of transportation throughout the state.   

The transportation sector is the largest source of climate pollution in New York, representing 36 percent of the state’s greenhouse gas emissions. Emissions from tailpipes are also responsible for smog, soot, and other toxins that contribute to adverse health outcomes, particularly in children and those suffering from chronic illness. 

The good news is change is coming. Nearly all of the major global automakers have made commitments to transform their platforms to focus on new lines of electric vehicles over the course of the next few years. Transitioning from vehicles powered by internal combustion engines to a transportation system powered by electricity will take careful planning and preparation. 

There are over 11 million cars and light-duty trucks registered in New York State, 60,000 of those are electric vehicles. New York State, which follows California’s Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) mandate, has committed to a goal of 850,000 zero-emission vehicles by 2025. New York has a long road ahead. The state government is vital in achieving this goal and well-positioned to lead by example to help propel New York’s transition to a clean transportation future.  

Aside from the health and environmental benefits that come with reductions in air pollution and meeting state climate change mandates, transitioning to electric vehicles will bring significant economic benefits to households, businesses, and governments. Electric vehicles are simply more efficient than their gas-guzzling counterparts, costing 50 to 70 percent less to operate. Electric vehicles have fewer moving parts than those powered by internal combustion engines, meaning a reduction in maintenance costs, which can be significant when it comes to managing government fleets. Fuel savings over the life of an electric vehicle can add up to thousands of dollars.   

The CLCPA sets a clear mandate to phase-out the use of fossil fuels and transition to a fully electrified transportation system. It is time for the state to lead by example and begin to transition its vehicle fleet in earnest. 

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Environmental Advocates NY Bill Rating: Beneficial

Memo #: 40