Bill Memo: Fast Charge NY Plan
This legislation amends the public authorities law, adding a new section 1874 to require the New York State Energy and Research Development Authority (NYSERDA) to develop a comprehensive electric vehicle fast charging station implementation plan.
The transportation sector is the second largest contributor to New York State greenhouse gas emissions (28%). In 2021, the legislature passed a law requiring all new vehicle sales be zero-emission starting in 2035. The faster we electrify our transportation sector, the faster we will reap the health, the economic and social justice benefits of moving away from using such a huge amount of oil. As this transition takes place, the state needs a comprehensive, but strategic game-plan for publicly available and accessible charging, this includes fast charging which can fully charge an EV in just thirty minutes.
This legislation will help ensure the intentional deployment and accessibility of electric vehicle fast chargers by creating a comprehensive electric vehicle fast charging implementation plan. This legislation establishes the Fast Charge NY Working Group and directs the body to develop this plan with NYSERDA, the New York Power Authority (NYPA), the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), the Department of Public Service (DPS). The Fast Charge NY working group would consist of five members, including one member from each of the following: statewide municipal organizations, environmental justice groups, statewide environmental groups, public utilities, and charging station developers.
A recent audit conducted by Comptroller DiNapoli found that “NYPA (NYS Power Authority) has failed to install EV chargers where they are most needed by New York’s nearly 50,000 registered EVs, leaving nearly half of the state’s counties without any NYPA-installed charging stations.” We need to ensure we are not simply throwing money at the problem of electrifying transportation, but strategically placing charging infrastructure and the appropriate level of charging stations needed; and for this, we need an electric vehicle fast charging station implementation plan with major relevant state agencies at the table.
Environmental Advocates NY Bill Rating: Beneficial
Memo #: 13