Bill Memo: Codifying the GreenNY Council

1-Tree: Beneficial rating


This legislation codifies the GreenNY Council and allows them to develop and administer guidance for state agencies surrounding sustainable procurement and emissions reductions.


In December of 2022, the Climate Action Council finalized their Scoping Plan, containing recommendations on how to Implement the Climate, Leadership, and Community Protection Act. One of those recommendations is to reduce the environmental impact of state agencies through green procurement and emissions reductions measures. This legislation fulfills that goal by codifying the GreenNY Council and directing them to align state agency practices with the goals of the state.

The GreenNY Council is an interagency body that develops best practices for state agencies to reduce the negative environmental impacts of their operations and procurement. GreenNY has played a role in state sustainability standards and practices since 2008, when former Governor Patterson issued Executive Order 4, establishing the Green Procurement and Agency Sustainability Program. Governor Hochul has continued this commitment by signing Executive Order 22, which updates and consolidates the original plan.

The GreenNY Council has made significant progress since it was first established, with decades of meetings under their belt, millions spent in green purchasing, 4.4 trillion BTUs of energy-saving projects underway or completed, and a 94% recycling rate. However, it currently stands as a temporary body. Given the scoping plan’s extensive recommendations for meeting the goals of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, a permanent GreenNY Council is necessary to provide guidance to state agencies and allow them to practice what they preach.

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Environmental Advocates NY Bill Rating: Beneficial

Memo #: 50