Bill Memo: Advanced Building Codes, Appliance, and Equipment Efficiency Standards Act
The legislation amends the Energy, Executive, and State Finance Laws to apply the implementation of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act to the state energy conservation construction code; increases the efficiency standards of appliances and equipment by the state energy conservation construction code and establishes new energy and water standards for appliances and products.
This legislation establishes important tools for the successful implementation of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). The bill establishes new criteria for updating the state building code to align it with the CLCPA, eliminates automatic exemptions from the code and adopts a lifecycle cost-benefit analysis for new construction and renovations to existing structures. The bill also establishes new energy and water standards for appliances and products, including commonly used products such as televisions, computers and lighting used to illuminate large public areas.
Modernizing the energy code is essential to meeting the emissions reduction goals for the building sector by fast tracking the transition off fossil fuels for heating and other uses and facilitating the integration of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. NYSERDA estimates that new state appliance standards will provide annual savings to New York households and businesses of $1.3 billion in 2030 and $6 billion in total through 2035.
This legislation will help households and businesses save money, cut back on wasted energy and water, and improve air quality indoors and out. Updated energy building codes and appliance standards are critical tools for the implementation of the CLCPA.
Environmental Advocates NY Bill Rating: Substantial Benefit
Memo #: 73