Bill Memo: Access to State Funded EV Chargers

2 Tree: Substantial benefit rating


This legislation amends the State Finance Law, Public Authorities Law, and Public Service Law to require every electric vehicle charging station funded by the state and located in a commercial parking garage to be open for the public to charge their vehicle.


This legislation requires commercial garages with electric vehicle charging stations that were funded in whole or in part with state funds to allow electric vehicle drivers free access to the parking garage to charge.

New York State offers several charging station incentives and discount programs that have allowed for the development of the increasing number of electric vehicle charging stations we see today. In many urban areas throughout the state, access to home and curbside charging is limited and commercial parking facilities with charging stations are the only viable option to recharge electric vehicles. Fees to access and utilize these facilities are often set at cost-prohibitive levels that may offset the fuel savings electric vehicle owners factored into their purchase or lease decision. To remove a cost obstacle to EV charging in commercial parking garages, the bill creates the condition that to use state funds to construct, install, or improve an EV charging station, the parking garage must waive all access fees for the public to use the charging station.

Easing access to charging, especially in areas with limited at home charging options, will help open the EV market to a whole new class of drivers. Increasing access to charging is essential if the State is to meet the EV sales mandates established by the Legislature.

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Environmental Advocates NY Bill Rating: Substantial Benefit

Memo #: 31